Smart frozen meals packaging for those living smart. Stackable storage, easy meal identification and ready-to-microwave in sustainable packaging — thats's how we talk it.

Software used: Ai, Ps, Blender.
Packaging concept gets inspiration from meal boxes you could have seen while travelling by air: rectangular shapes, sometimes also used in ice cream packaging, is not only easy stackable, but also takes freezer space more efficiently.

While all the primary info is located on the top (since freezers are usually lower that our eye level), all the other information sits at the bottom. And you'll never miss the instruction, since it's right there when you open your box.
There's a simple system for identifying the meal. Soups, main courses and desserts each have their own box shape and pattern, while color works for ingredients: pink is for fish and seafood, green is for vegan meals and yellow for the rest (meat, chicken, etc.).

Desserts have their own color coding which depends on nuts, berries and lactose free products. And there are always respective icons on the lid to tell you everything in details: from ingredients to calories and cooking time.
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hotbox: the story
See the bigger picture of how this project was brought to live: from first sketches to 3D-modelling